#pondlife About


Dispatches from off the grid


July 13, 2025

An open book viewed from the side

When I moved to the pond, I knew I wanted to make reading a big part of my daily routine. There’s no better way to unwind after a day of building, foraging, or just exploring the woods. Plus, without the distractions of city life, I’ve found that I can really immerse myself in the stories and ideas I’m reading about.

My tiny house has a cozy reading nook right by a large window that overlooks the pond. It’s the perfect spot to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. The natural light during the day is fantastic, and at night, I light a few candles to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.


July 10, 2025

Tiny home interior with fireplace and tall windows

The interior is cozy and functional, designed to make the most of the small space. I’ve got a loft bed that looks out over the pond, a compact kitchen with a wood-burning stove, and plenty of storage built into the walls. I even managed to create a little reading nook by a large window where I can sit and watch the world go by.

Living in this house has been an incredible experience. It’s small, but it has everything I need, and being so close to nature has been incredibly grounding. Every morning, I wake up to the sound of birds and the sight of the sun rising over the water. It’s a constant reminder of why I chose this path.

Building this house was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but also one of the most rewarding. If you’re thinking about pursuing a similar dream, my advice is to go for it.

Tiny home

July 7, 2025

Tiny boxy home surrounded by wildflowers with trees behind it

When I first decided to move off-grid, I knew I wanted to build my own home. There’s something so satisfying about creating a space with your own hands, and I wanted my house to be a true reflection of my commitment to simplicity and sustainability. So, armed with some basic carpentry skills and a lot of determination, I set out to build my tiny house.

The first step was finding the perfect spot. I chose a quiet clearing near the shore of a pond, surrounded by trees and with a stunning view of the water. It felt like the perfect place to start this new chapter of my life. Once I had the location, it was time to gather materials. I wanted to use as many natural and reclaimed materials as possible, so I spent weeks scavenging for wood, stone, and other supplies.

Building the house was a true labor of love. I started with a simple foundation and built the frame from there. Each day brought new challenges, from dealing with unpredictable weather to learning new techniques on the fly. But with each beam I placed and each nail I hammered, I felt a growing sense of accomplishment and pride. The house slowly took shape, and it was amazing to see my vision come to life.

Hello from the pond!

July 4, 2025

Pond reflecting dense shore of green trees

Hey everyone! Welcome to my very first blog post from my new home in the woods!

If you’ve been following me on Instagram, you already know that I’ve embarked on this crazy adventure to live off-grid. Today, I’m writing to you from the shore of a pond in New England where I’ve just finished building my own tiny house.

I’ve decided to leave the city behind and try living a simpler, more intentional life. It’s just me out here, surrounded by nature, and I’m so excited to share this journey with you all. My goal is to live sustainably, relying on my hands and the resources around me. I’ve committed to staying here for at least two years to see what I can learn and how I can grow.

So, why did I decide to do this? Honestly, I needed a break from the constant noise and stress of city life. I wanted to reconnect with myself and the natural world, to see what it’s like to live with less and appreciate more. I’ll be documenting everything here on the blog, from building my cabin to my daily routines and the challenges I face.

In the upcoming posts, I’ll be sharing my experiences and tips for anyone interested in off-grid living, sustainability, and minimalism. You’ll get an inside look at my morning meditations by the pond, the process of foraging for food, and how I’m adapting to the changing seasons. Plus, there’ll be plenty of DIY projects and reflections on what it means to live a fulfilled life.